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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and love is in the air. It’s the time of year for eating  heart shaped candies and rewatching “When Harry Met Sally.” Love used to be as simple as drawing a heart on a Fun Dip to give to your crush at school. Nowadays, it’s a bit more complicated with exs, situationships, and the endless over-analysis of texts. However, Valentine’s Day, as we know, isn’t just for couples. It is about showing a little extra love to those who mean the most to you. 

I asked 5 people what their definition of love is and something they do to express that love. Their responses are heartwarming and each tell a unique story about how values can differ between individuals. 

  1. “Love for me, is when people are willing to sacrifice something in order to help the person they love. If I love someone, I remember the little things about them.” 
  1. “Love to me is when someone changes you for the better and makes you the best version of yourself. Love is happiness. One thing I do to show my love to someone is helping them out with little things.” 
  1. “My definition of love is genuinely caring for the well being of another person. Time cannot alter that… you want the best for their future. For me, it’s always cooking… I’m always providing food to those that I love.” 
  1. “Love is being willing to do anything for someone and always being there for them. I show I love someone by checking up on them, just making it known that I care.” 
  1. “Love is accepting one another through the thick and thin of life. If I love someone, I’ll always give them my time… I make time to do things for them and spend time with them.” 

Ultimately, there is not one concrete definition to love but we are lucky enough to experience it in our own, beautiful way. The common thread in these definitions is that love extends far beyond romantic relationships and gives us purpose and joy in all connections. So, this Valentine’s Day, don’t shy away from celebrating; I encourage you to get creative and do something meaningful for someone you love. We show our love in the most subtle and individual ways, so even a small gesture speaks volumes. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 

Hi! I'm a junior at UVM. My major is Business Administration with a concentration in marketing and a minor in English.