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The Importance of a Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

By Maddie Mallon

I have never been a morning person. Most of my time as a student has been plagued by lying in bed too long, oversleeping, and starting my day off rushing to make it to class on time. Once I began my first year of college, my problem with mornings got worse. My freshman year roommate was plagued by my contant snoozing of alarms, and I rarely made it to my 8:30 am class on time. My solution was to stop taking early morning classes- but this never actually fixed my problem. I would still begin my mornings stressed and in a rush. This year, I had no other option but to take an 8:30 am class. I was determined not only to make it to class on time, but to also feel well rested, calm, and motivated to start my day. Enter: the morning routine. 

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, having a morning routine has been found to reduce stress, increase productivity, increase happiness, and increase energy. With such positive benefits, a morning routine is alluring. But how do you build one?

Step 1: Figure out how much time you actually need in the morning.

I used to think I only needed 30 minutes to wake up, get ready, and get out the door. For some, this might be enough time. For me, it is not even close. I like to give myself at least an hour and a half of time awake before I have to walk up to campus and begin classes. This gives me enough room to be sluggish when I first wake up, check my phone, get ready, and make breakfast. Although the most difficult part of my morning is getting out of bed and not hitting snooze, the best part of my morning is my routine. Experiment with different habits, earlier wake-ups, and different breakfasts. A game-changer for me was realizing how good I felt throughout the day when I started my day earlier and gave myself enough time to get ready without rushing. 

Step 2: Plan

Take some time at night to make your morning easier. I like to do this by cleaning up around my room and my house. I make sure that my dishes are done, my room is clean, and my bag is packed for the next day. I cannot live without my planner and always make sure to plan out my day and write a to-do list at night. I also like to lay out my outfit for the next day so I don’t spend forever in the morning tearing my closet apart. My night routine exists to support my morning routine. After finishing my homework, doing my skincare routine, and getting into pajamas, I like to make a cup of tea and get into bed and either journal, read a book, or watch TV. Ending your day in a calming way allows for you to fall asleep earlier and wake up feeling less tired and stressed.

Step 3: Habit stack

Habit stacking is the practice of identifying a current habit, then adding a new behavior along with it in order to form a new habit. For example: every morning I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. On my way from my bathroom, I began stopping in my kitchen to defrost my bone broth. I struggle with having an appetite in the morning, and bone broth is now one of my favorite easy ways to get protein. So, as I did something I do every morning, I added a new activity, which has now become a habit. Atomic Habits by James Clear details the practice of habit stacking, as well as how to break bad habits. 

Step 4: Have a morning moment

One of my favorite podcasts, The Wellness Cafe hosted by Trinity Tondeleir, has introduced to me the concept of having a morning moment. Trinity always mentions how important it is to have a relaxing activity in your morning routine that you look forward to. This could be a quick workout, making coffee to drink on your porch, or a quick journaling session. Whatever your morning moment may be, it exists to give you a moment of peace and me-time before a day of classes or work. Having a calm moment like this allows you to start the day with a positive mindset. It makes stressful moments less impactful, since you’ve started the day on the right foot. 

I hope these tips allow you to begin transforming your mornings into something positive. Creating a morning routine I love has impacted my life and my mood for the better. Remember to take care of yourself and prioritize the things that make you happy.

Hi! I'm Maddie Mallon and I am the current senior editor of Her Campus at the University of Vermont! I'm a junior studying Philosophy and Economics, with the hopes of attending law school after my time here at UVM. Along with being a member of Her Campus, I'm on UVM Panhellenic's executive board serving as the VP of Recruitment Programming. I've always had a passion for writing and have been writing for Her Campus since my freshman year!