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Sticky & Sweet: When To Give Up On A Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

We’ve all heard the famous quote, “Don’t make someone your priority if they only make you an option.” But how many of us actually follow this? We all need space at times, and need to respect our boyfriend’s space when they need it. But if you feel like all he wants is space, or does any of the following no-no’s, then maybe it’s time to give up on your relationship. Walk away with your head held high, not with a broken heart.

Here’s when to wave the white flag and give up on a relationship:

He Doesn’t Put You First (Or Even Second).

We’ve all had days where we had a big paper or project due the next day, and we’ve had to put our boyfriends on the back burner for a few hours. But if you feel like you’re permanently stuck there, and never come first, or even second, in his life, then it’s probably time to re-think your relationship. A relationship goes two ways, and if you’re not a priority to him, then he shouldn’t be a priority to you.


He Stops Communicating.

If he never calls you, texts you, or even asks how your day went, then it’s time to give up. If you don’t have communication, then you don’t really have much. When he stops showing interest in your life, then he’s stopped showing interest in you. It’s impossible to be in a relationship with somebody that doesn’t care about your day, or about your feelings.

At this time in our lives, our relationships need to have more than just pure physical attraction. Although that’s usually the first part in getting into a relationship, being physically attracted to someone will fade, and if they don’t have other qualities that you love, then there’s no reason to stay with him. Good sex doesn’t make a well-rounded relationship. Period.


He Needs Other Girls to Make Him Happy.
When you’re not enough for him anymore, and he talks to multiple other girls to keep himself happy, then you have to let him go. No matter what, if you’re not enough for your man, then walk away. If you’re in a committed relationship then you should never feel like you have to compete with anyone else. Sure, everyone gets jealous about someone here and there, but if you are honestly competing with another girl to keep your boyfriend, then he’s not worth it.


When You’re Sad More Than You’re Happy.

Think about the last month of your relationship. Were there more days that you were sad? If the answer is yes, and if it’s because of your boyfriend and how he treats you, than kick him to the curb. This is probably the simplest way to know if you should be in the relationship or not. Whether you’re happy. And if you’re not, then that’s all that matters. And if that means not being with the person that you care a lot about, then just know that you’ll get through it.

It doesn’t matter how much you care about him, you’ll never be able to change how much he cares about you. Just remember; always walk away with your head held high, not with a broken heart.