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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

By Abigail Simanjuntak 

It’s the end of the most eventful weekend in college, and you are most likely in your college dorm room enduring the Sunday scaries. Maybe even Tuesday scaries, considering Halloween was on a Monday this year. From the non-stop socializing and partying that occurred this past weekend, you are finally able to take a breather and have that morning debrief, of course. Without a doubt, the next couple days will be spent in recovery mode. 

Below are some tips to combat the post-halloweekend scaries. 

  1. Watch a horror movie

What better way to get rid of the Sunday scaries than to scare them away! Horror movies can evoke a variety of emotions, especially feeling spooked. Beat those Sunday scaries at their own game and watch Insidious or Paranormal Activity.

  1. Dress-up

You know what they say, fake it till you make it. If you dress up as a fictional character you look up to, whether that is Elle Woods or Kim Possible, you’ll find yourself picking up their confident and assertive character traits. No more post-halloweekend anxiety. 

  1. Eat candy.

I’m sure you or the people around you will have an abundance of candy. After all, Halloween is known for the tradition of trick-or-treating.  Don’t be afraid to snack on those sweet treats. Your taste buds will thank you for that, and you will feel SOOO much better. 

  1. Go out

The only way to get your mind off of the long week ahead of you is to go out for one more night. What better way to avoid the post-halloweekend scaries than to procrastinate!

  1. Pull an all-nighter. 

As Sammy Adams sings, I encourage you to go “All Night Longer.” Going to sleep can feel like you’re entering a time machine, fast-forwarding you to the next day within seconds. You fall asleep and all of a sudden you are waking up late for your 9:40 class on the opposite side of campus. If you pull an all-nighter, you will experience the true length of those eight hours, making the work week feel further away in time. 

These are my go-to forms of self-care and recovery after a long weekend that I thought I would share with you all. Now I highly encourage you to do the same, but I won’t be offended if you choose to opt out. I hope you all had a halloweekend filled with tons of tricks and treats, and don’t forget, it’s never too early to start planning your costumes for next year 😉.

Hi I'm Abby! I am a first-year student attending the University of Vermont pursuing a degree in computer science and data science. I enjoy reading, fashion, and focusing on personal well-being!