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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

The weekend comes and goes in the blink of an eye these days, especially in the home stretch of
the semester. After a week of the typical school routine, we all look forward to Friday night.
Saturdays are filled with fun activities, and anticipation for what the night might have in store,
but then it dawns on us: tomorrow is Sunday. With Sunday comes the infamous, and not so fun
“Sunday Scaries.” The Sunday Scaries are often associated with feelings of anticipation and
anxiety for the upcoming week full of classes and other obligations. It can get overwhelming,
especially if you’re also dealing with a hangover from the night before. The Sunday Scaries
however, can be diminished. Here are a few tips to help.

If you’re feeling anxious for the week ahead, physically writing your feelings down could help a
lot. Write down every thought you have to try to stop it from racing. Seeing it all down on paper
might actually help you realize there’s not that much to worry about.

Keep your mind engaged with hobbies
Participate in hobbies that are non-work or school related. Do something for you. My favorite
choices include going to the gym for a good hot girl walk, or reading a book. These non-academic hobbies are a great way to decompress and feel relaxed for the busy week ahead.

Talk with family or close friends
The week ahead could get busy, and it can get difficult to stay in touch with people back home
sometimes. Carve out a time on Sunday afternoons to call a family member or a close friend to
catch up. Feeling the comfort of someone who is close to you can help get your mind off of stressful topics.

Look on the brightside
Rather than focusing on all the things you did not get to do over the weekend, focus on
everything you did get done. You got a good amount of rest that was long overdue, caught up
with friends, and did a little school work. Go easy on yourself. Focusing on the negative facts
will only bring you down more.

Doing just one, or all of these little things can help put your mind at ease and ensure you have a
good start to your week. Self care is critical these days, especially as we near the end of the
semester. The final stretch can seem to drag on sometimes, so take the time you need to put your
mental health first.

Hi I'm Lila! I'm a sophomore studying Public Communication at UVM with a Dance minor! I enjoy reading, fashion, writing, listening to music, and going to the beach with friends!