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My Life is GrUV: You know you go to UVM if…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.


There is a place high, high up in the Green Mountains called the University of Vermont. Here dwells people of all kinds, and events of all sorts. There are some things only UVM students would identify with, and here is a compilation of some of those mutual understandings:

  1. You literally cannot buy a Poland Springs water bottle anywhere.

  2. You know the sound of a longboard is comparable to that of gun shots…  run for cover! 

  3. Getting run over by said longboard is just another day in the life.

  4. You accept your night out takes place in a basement named ‘Sputies. 

  5. You crave falafel every Thursday, as well as conversations with Charlie. 

  6. You associate sports with UVM as much as you associate Cook dining hall with gourmet meals.

  7. Sundress season starts with the first sunny day of spring, no matter what the temperature is outside.

  8. Is that Stacy? Nope, just another dude with long hair.

  9. You own more flannel and wool socks than high heels and dresses.

  10. You accept being barefoot as proper footwear.

  11. What is a catamount anyway?

  12. Every day I’m Grundlin’.

  13. The Naked Bike Ride is far too familiar a term.

  14. Birkenstocks are apporopiate all year-round… just add socks.

  15. You know the Hippie in your lecture hall is really from a wealthy suburb of Boston. Did I mention his dad is also a doctor?

  16. When you walk down Church Street during Christmas time and it’s basically the cutest thing ever.

  17. Cable in the dorms? Nah.

  18. Your Instagram feed consists of identical Lake Champlain pictures every night at sunset, probably from the William’s fire escape.

  19. Asking me to walk from Redstone to downtown is like asking me to walk from New York to California.

  20. You understand tranquility, beauty, and, most importantly, our shared UVM pride and the unspoken bond that it creates.

Yes, we do get to walk by that view every day. With that being said, apart from the awful dining hall food, lack of cable television, and oddball characters on campus, we truly wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else. We know Burlington is one of a kind, so we cherish our precious four years here and all the fond memories that go with it.


Photo credit: www.uvm.edu ; http://www.uvm.edu/~shali/long…www.rasputinsvt.com‬ ; https://www.facebook.com/photo… ; http://www.flickr.com/photos/1…@N07/5121440958/ ; http://vermontfeature.wordpres…http://www.aiavt.org/awards/en… ; http://beckershoes.com/wordpre… ; www.Scenicvt.comhttp://lolarain.blogspot.com/2…