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My Life is GrUV: Spill Those Embarrassing Moments

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.


Has something so embarrassing ever happened to you on campus that you thought to yourself, “Wow, I can never show my face again”? Don’t worry! We’ve all experienced this. Here are some anonymous stories of awkward situations on campus to prove to you that we have all been there.

(UGH! So embarrassing!)

Starting off boot season right

“I bought a new pair of Frye boots and tried to break them in by going to class. They were hurting my feet so bad that I had to walk home with just my bloody socks on.”

Going out with a bang

“On the last day of classes my spring semester of my first year I was walking to the Redstone Express. It was raining outside, so when I stepped on the first step to get on the bus I slipped and fell up the stairs in front of a ton of people who were already sitting on the bus. To make it even more noticeable, George, the bus driver, got up from his seat and yelled, “ARE YOU OKAY?!’”

Nurses can fly too

“When I rode my bike from clinical my scrub pants caught on the chain of my bike. Not only did I fly over the handlebars, I scraped my backpack and my down coat (which exploded with feathers), and bent the frame of my bike. Afterwards, I duct taped my jacket and still wore it until the end of winter!”

Who said the third floor was silent

“One time I was rushing out of the third floor Bailey Howe for my 10AM class, which is apparently still too early for me because I fell down the flight of stairs and landed on my head. I ended up skipping my Stats class and made my house mate pick me up in front of the library!”

Hot stuff

“One time last year in Alice’s Café I tripped and spilled my coffee all over a girl who had white jeans on. I was mortified after she didn’t accept my apology.”

The real question that a lot of ask is “How can we avoid being a nuisance on campus?” Unfortunately, I don’t know if there’s an answer for that, but the advice I can give is to be confident no matter how awkward of a fall or spillage you have had.