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My Life is GrUV: Single Vs. Taken

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

At the beginning of the school year, there was one thing that mattered and that most students cared about: finding someone to hook up with. And then what? Move on, of course, to find bigger and better things.

Though here we are, sitting in below zero degree weather and wishing we had someone warm to cuddle with, someone dependable that would always be there, or do we?

A survey of a small group of UVM students showed that 85% of students think that being single is the way to go. Interesting enough, almost all the 85% had a condition of time, having a maximum of two years in the single life before jumping in a relationship.

Many students choose not to be involved in a relationship during the first couple years of college to avoid drama.

Others say that their college years are so busy with classes, friends, sports, etc. that they don’t have time or patience to try to maintain a serious relationship? Those who came into college in a relationship usually feel the pressures of college (A word to the wise, long distance often times don’t work out, especially during the first couple years of college. In most cases, you’ll begin resenting each other soon enough and while that breakup isn’t fun for anyone, neither is trying to maintain a failing relationship).

Being single in college seems almost like a luxury because it can be fun, and the freedom you feel walking downtown on the weekend with the mystery of who you’ll be hanging out with for the night is just exciting. So enjoy it, live it up! Enjoy the single life and save all that drama with relationships for married life. College is here and now. Finding your soul mate…well, that will all happen in time. Just enjoy now.When first year students get on campus, the main attraction is the amount of good-looking people walking around campus. As big as UVM is, it’s not hard to find some of those gorgeous people at a party off campus.