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My Life is GrUV: Crafts Are The New Rainy Day Remedy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Rain slashes against your window, the sky is a dull gray overhead and not a soul can be seen across campus. April has brought some brutal weather, but fear not- there is a remedy for even the gloomiest of days.

Make your merry way to Michaels, the super craft store conveniently located across from he Sheraton on Main Street. You’re bound to gain inspiration from merely walking through the isles, but here are a few ideas any Catamount would love.

1. Dream Catchers

Supplies needed:
Metal Hoops (various sizes, pick whichever tickles your fancy)
Suede/Leather cord
Thin string

The Dealio:
Take the metal hoop and wrap the suede/leather cord around the circumference of the
*Make your life a little easier by gluing the tips of the cord to the metal hoop to ensure a
strong hold for wrapping!

With the thinner string, tie one end to any part of the metal hoop, and stretch it diagonally across the circle. Continue this action at random forming a spider web like shape. Periodically stop to string beads onto the thinner string. Do this for as long as you like, keep it simple or spice it up!

At the bottom of the metal hoop attach tails made of the suede/leather cord. Simply knot the cord to the hoop and make the tails as long as you like. Tie feathers to the bottom of these tails and string on beads. Voila you are finished!

Have extra materials?
Use the suede/leather cord to make a headband!
Take three pieces of the suede/leather cord at any desired length and braid them together. Like the tails of the dream catcher, attached feathers at the end of each cord by fascining beads creating a cool bohemian look that’s sure to turn heads!