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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

By: Dana Race

As we get deeper into the fall semester, I’ve noticed myself clinging to my familiar pleasures. Amidst the hustle and bustle of coursework and deadlines, there’s something comforting about having my go-to products, favorite clothes, and influencers I admire. So, I thought I’d share with you all some of my current obsessions that have been keeping me grounded during this busy time.

Circle Time Podcast

The Circle Time podcast featuring the sweet and hilarious YouTuber Kelsey Kreppel has become a cherished part of my daily routine. Kelsey feels like the big sister you never had, guiding her listeners through topics such as relationship advice or pop culture. I’ve loved tuning into her weekly episodes as I get ready for the day or during my walks across campus. 

Makeup by Mario MoistureGlow Plumping Lip Serum

This absolutely stunning lipgloss has been my staple for the past few months. Although it comes at a hefty price, I can confidently say it was worth every penny. Not only is it non-sticky, but its everyday-wearable shades, hydrating formula, and commitment to cruelty-free beauty make it a must-have product. You can choose between a shine or shimmer finish, and I have opted for the shine.

Trader Joe’s Salted Maple Ice Cream

One of my favorite parts of fall is the seasonal food, especially Trader Joe’s. This year, they’ve released Salted Maple Ice Cream. This treat features a delicious maple-flavored ice cream with sprinkles of sea salt and swirls of caramel throughout. It is the perfect topping for any apple pie, but it’s just as good when enjoyed alone. I love curling up in bed with a pint of this ice cream after a long day. 

Aritzia Hoodies

During my back-to-school shopping, I decided to treat myself to a Cozy Fleece Perfect Hoodie from Aritzia. The price for these sweatshirts might raise an eyebrow or two, but this investment has turned out to be one of my most worn articles of clothing this autumn. It is soft, comfortable, and the perfect length (available in short, regular, and tall)- making it a wardrobe essential for those cooler Vermont days

These familiar favorites of mine have made the transition into a new semester and season significantly more comforting. During the never-ending hecticness of college, remember to take a step back to take care of yourself and focus on what makes you feel grounded! 

Edited by Maddie Mallon

Hi! I'm Dana, and I am a Junior at UVM. I'm studying Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Conservation Biology and Biodiversity and a minor in Applied Design. I enjoy skiing, fashion, and listening to music.