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Hot & Healthy: Want More Shine & Volume In Your Hair?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Everybody shares that same hair dream of shiny hair with healthy, sexy volume. So whats the secret? Simple. Follow these steps to get volume, like Blake Lively’s shown in the picture below.

While showering, begin by conditioning your hair for about a minute. Make sure the water isn’t super hot, since that can dry out your strands and skin.

2. After the minute has passed, rinse out all the condition from your hair.

3. Shampoo your hair AFTER the conditioning. Shampooing afterwards removes the excess product that often times weighs down your hair.

4. Rinse out your hair and wrap in towel for about 20 minutes. If still wet, let air dry until damp.

5. Once hair is damp, take volumizing mouse and rub into the roots of your strands. (The amount depends on the amount of hair you have. For short hair, use about a little less than ping-pong ball size. For medium hair, a little bit more than a golf ball size. For long hair, use about the size of a tangerine.)

6. Take a blow dryer and a round brush and blow dry small sections of your hair at a time, brushing up towards to ceiling to lift your roots. Do all around head.

7.  Afterwards, you can set the brush down and blow dry your hair in the opposite direction of your part or blow dry your hair upside down. Don’t do this for too long, or you’ll have a crazy blowout.

8. Finish blow drying by putting it on a cooler setting and blasting your roots with the cool air until
your hair has cooled. The not only holds the volume, it also adds a healthy shine.

9. Using a voluminzing hair spray (I use Pantene Pro-V volumizing spray for fine hair since it has a stronger hold),  lift your hair up towards the ceiling and spray the hair spray at about an arms length distance. Continue all around your head.

10. Style your bangs and very lightly brush the ends of your hair, and voila!