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Hot & Healthy: How to Get a Rockin’ Bod Before Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

It’s hard to believe it but there are only 5 weeks left until finals are over and summer officially begins. The shores of lakes and beaches are calling, but the question is, are you ready for them?

Before you embark on one of those crazy crash diets, there is still time to get fit for summer in a healthy way. I caught up with UVM’s personal trainer and yoga instructor, Ally Gould, who shared some tips for how to get into shape for this summer and for the rest of your life. Prepare yourself for all the adventures that summer will throw at you by following some of these helpful hints.

  1. Be active every day

It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, weather it be going for a bike ride or just climbing a tree. Get the most out of each day, skip the bus and take the long route to class. Take a jog to visit that long lost friend on Trinity that you haven’t seen since its snowed. Make a goal to see the lake once a week, you’ll feel renewed and the walk back up will strengthen your quads.

  1. Incorporate Cardio and Strength

Your body gets in better shape when you vary your workout. Although most women tend to hit the elliptical or treadmill, “Cardio and strength are equally important for men and women”. There are vast benefits that come with strong muscles. “Having a greater muscle mass means higher metabolism, increased bone mass (preventing osteoporosis later) and of course, awesome looking arms in those strapless dresses!” Go for a run or bike ride but be sure mix it up with some planks and push ups in between. Everyone is different, but a balance is essentially in every work out plan.

3. Intervals!

Circuit or interval training is the key to weight loss. This type of training gets your heart rate up and increases your endurance and muscle function. When going for a run, sprint for a few yards then return to an easy jog. Push yourself, and find a rhythm that works for you. Try doing a circuit workout with a combination of activities. Run a lap around the track then do 10 push ups, and repeat. As you get stronger, eventually make your intervals longer and harder. Add some abs in after you do push ups, or increase the number of reps.

4. Always make time for a workout!

You will feel better all day if you take a few minutes to get your heat pumping.  Get out your yoga mat and a stop watch. Here is a quick workout that covers all the bases and can be done right in your room!

16 Minute Circuit Training Workout:

Do 2 minutes of each of the following: squats, lunges, squat jumps (jump up from a push up position to a squat), push ups, planks, mountain climbers (in a push up position move your legs in a running motion toward your chest), crunches, and jumping jacks. If any of the exercises are too tough, break up the two minutes, try to do them for 20 seconds with a 10 second breather in between.

5. Be sure to refuel!

It is essential to muscle growth and the health of your body to refuel with something hearty after a tough workout. Directly after your workout you enter the “golden hour” when your metabolism is at it’s highest and your body is able to absorb key nutrients. Fitness experts recommend eating an apple, whole grains, or healthy fat and protein found in nuts. According to Ally crash diets are the biggest mistake she sees women make. “When our bodies aren’t having nutritional needs met, they break down and use muscle, NOT fat- this is because we don’t ‘need’ muscle to survive and fat is fuel that the body can use and wants to hold onto during times when food is not available- going back to our caveman days”. Eat everything in moderation, if you swear off all junk food, you more likely to overindulge later. It is also important to choose activities that you love to do, getting excited about working is essential to keeping a healthy routine.

I asked what 3 exercises Ally could not live without:

  1. Running- “Very little gear needed and so incredibly fun to do! Starting is the hardest part, so if you want to try running, push through the first week or two and I promise- it will become really enjoyable! Cardiovascular health and fitness!”
  2. Push ups- “Work your upper body, your core and back for stabilization and again- great for toning up those arms!”
  3. Bicycle crunches- “A great way to hit essentially all of your abdominal muscles (when done correctly!). The three divisions of the abdominals are the rectus, transverse and obliques. Most ab exercises just work one or two but the rotational motion and the constant lift of the bicycle crunch in incredibly effective”

Follow these guidelines for the next 5 weeks and you will feel confident and healthy in no time! UVM also offers some options to help you stay on track, the group fitness pass gives you access to classes like cycling, yoga, and total body conditioning. Ally is also a certified personal trainer who offers her services through the school. Check out the recreational fitness page for more information: