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Cutie of the Week: David Andrew Fernandez ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

UVM ’14
I’m originally from new jersey
I live in christie on redstone
My major is in global studies

I like climbing trees, especially the mother tree behind slade, writing poetry, and getting people to sing spontaneously with me on the late night bus.

If I found a suitcase with a million dollars in it I would buy a pirate ship and hire a crew of salty seadogs to sail the world with me.

My favorite place in Burlington is north beach, nothing can beat the view of sunset from the cliffs.

My dream job is to be a globetrotting freelance writer.

The best quality in a girl is doing things out of the ordinary and getting a little crazy sometimes, keeps things interesting.

The worst quality in a girl is not having a sense of humor. 

My biggest pet peeve is when you’re walking somewhere with a friend and they stop to chat with a hundred people on the way and don’t introduce you to any of them.

My idols are Slug from Atmosphere, Hunter S Thompson, and Animal Collective.

It’s all about the way she walks and carries herself, a girl who is confident in herself is definitely the most attractive.

Jungle juice, because I’m a mix of different things and full of surprises.