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The Clothing Guide To Surviving Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! According to FOX44NOW.com, “So far, this month in Burlington,
we have 31.9″ of snow…on average, snowfall for the entire month of February in Burlington is 15.3″.

In fact, with our current 31.9″ of snow, we stand at #5 snowiest Februarys on record.” When it comes to such wintery conditions, there are several pieces of clothing that are an absolute must.
These pieces are especially important for students attending college in the green mountain state,
and trekking UVM’s 460-acre campus.

1) A Long Winter Coat
Long winter coats are seen on many women around campus, such as Emily Leighton, a freshman at UVM.
They’re great because they keep you warm all the way down to your knees! Look for them at
the local Northface or Outdoor Gear Exchange store.

2) Winter Boots
This pair of Sorel boots belongs to Mia Payraudeau, a sophomore at UVM. And during Burlington’s
many snowstorms, Uggs just don’t cut it. These boots can be found at stores like Cabela’s and Eastern

Mountain Sports in South Burlington.

3) Glittens (Glove/Mitten Combo)
Mia was also sporting a pair of glittens. This combination of gloves and mittens is especially convenient when it comes to keeping your hands warm while texting. They can be found in Urban Outfitters on Church Street.

4) Peacoat
On warmer winter days, a peacoat is an easy way to dress up your winter ensemble.
Here, Katie

Rifken, a junior at UVM, is wearing a purple Calvin Klein peacoat she got from her mother. If you’re a
bargain hunter, Second Time Around, a thrift store on Church Street, has good finds for cheaper prices.

5) Scarf

The wind whipping off Lake Champlain can be brutal at times, so a scarf to cover your face and neck is
vital to keeping warm. Catherine Hyman, a senior at UVM, got her knit scarf at H&M, but cute scarves just like it can be found in many of the stores in Burlington, like Sweet Lady Janes.

6) Flowered Headband
Flowered headbands like the one Hannah Denitz is wearing here have been very popular amongst
UVM students this year.

They’re cute and keep your ears warm! Hannah says she got her stylish

headband at South Moon Under in Philadelphia, but if you’d prefer to go on a more local shopping excursion, Urban Outfitters sells similar winter gear.