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The Beauty Closet: How To Stay Healthy As the Seasons Change

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

It’s that time of year again- the leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and tissues and Vitamin C are in high demand. It’s cold season. Every year in Vermont around this time, as the temperature starts to drop and the sun only warms us up occasionally, we find ourselves with a swollen head and a stuffy nose. Going to class and being around hundreds of other students and faculty only makes the spread of the cold that much more rapid and effective. But there are some steps we can all take to prevent catching this cold that seems inevitable.


Vitamins (Multivitamins, Vitamin C, etc). 
Ever since we were little we’ve been told repeatedly to take our vitamins every day. But these vitamins become essential to our wellbeing and immune system when we live with thousands of other students. Taking a multi-vitamin a day can help fight off illnesses as they pass throughout the university. But, if you don’t take multivitamins every day and begin the symptoms of a cold, take anywhere from 1-2 grams of Vitamin C right away, and continue this dosage every half hour until the symptoms disappear. 

Drink Water. Drinking water is the key to any healthy lifestyle. As soon as you wake up one morning and have the slightest sore throat, or a stuffy nose, start drinking water and don’t stop that entire day. Drink anywhere from 6-8 bottles of water, and the sickness should pass right on through. 

Exercise. Exercising and eating healthy should be done regularly in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but both should be done especially when you feel a cold coming on. Sweating out a cold can get rid of your sickness much faster than if you let the cold fully take over. At the first sign of a cold, go for a quick jog and sweat the toxins out of your body. This can make for a speedy recovery.

Sleep. We have all pulled all nighters to cram for a final, or to finish a homework assignment on time, but not getting enough sleep for multiple nights in a row completely wears down our immune system. Around this season, deemed “cold season” not only because of the weather, sleep is especially important in order to fight off colds and sicknesses being passed around. So don’t stay up too late watching re-runs of Gossip Girl, get an extra hour of sleep instead. Your immune system will thank you.

Dress Appropriately. Making sure to keep warm during these few months are crucial to staying healthy.  Don’t go outside right after a shower when your hair is soaking wet. And when it starts getting cold and the jackets start coming out, don’t wear a cute dress outside. Keeping your body at a warm temperature will help protect you catching any colds, and it’s one thing that a lot of student’s forget about. 

Taking these steps each and every day, especially around this type of year, are vital to our health and wellbeing.