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Alternative Halloween: Go Party-Free in the Dorms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Hey, we get it! Crazy halloweens really just aren’t for everybody. Get back into the good, old-fashioned Halloween spirit in the dorms with these party-free ideas!

Movie night

Nothing says Halloween quite like scary movies. I know that Disney Channel’s Halloweentown personally constitutes a large amount of my childhood spooky memories. We’re a bit too old for Disney Channel now, however there are many more movies out there to work as substitutes! Make use of your common room and have a scary movie night. Talk to your RA about possibly setting up something more official, involving your whole residence hall. If you rather have a more intimate night with just friends, prop your laptop up on a chair or a stack of books, and enjoy a movie from your dorm room bed!


If you do not have a sweet tooth normally, I can guarantee that you will once Halloween rolls around. Instead of pigging out on the usual Snickers, Reeses Peanut Butter cups, M&M’s, etc., incorporate them into yummy baked goods! Browse Pinterest to get some ideas. If you are feeling creative, improvise and create your own recipes instead!

Scary Stories

Feeling nostalgic? Have an old fashioned slumber party with your friends—forts, sleeping bags, flashlights and all. Of course, because of the small dorm size, you might want to sleep in your own room come bedtime, but the sleepover scene can still be recreated! Go around telling scary stories to get that fall time Halloween mood going. If you’re like me and don’t exactly know the most frightening anecdotes off hand, look some up on Google!

Craft & Decorate

Make sure your whole residence hall is in the spirit by decorating not only your own room, but your hallway and common room, too! Again, Pinterest is an awesome resource for ideas. Check out Michael’s (down the street from campus) or Party City in Williston to get started. Play some classic Halloween tunes (Thriller by Michael Jackson anyone?), or even watch some scary movies while crafting! These combined activities are sure to be just as thrilling as any party outside of the dorms.



