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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.


With finals season in full swing, you are probably itching to feel the relief of being done with exams. Sometimes it feels like it will never end, and there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. To stay positive, looking forward to ways to reward yourself once everything is completed is a great way to stay motivated. Even the smallest acts to reward yourself can feel so exciting, and having something to look forward to can make the final stretch a bit easier. It’s been a long year for everyone, and the semester ending is the perfect time to thank yourself for pushing through all of it. Here are 10 ways you can safely celebrate the end of the semester, you deserve it. 

Cook Your Favorite Meal(s)

There’s nothing better than eating a delicious home-cooked meal, especially after a long, stressful week. Whether it’s dinner, dessert, or just a snack, rewarding yourself with that perfect comfort food is just what you deserve after a long week of exams. Cooking is a pleasant destresser, and even better since you get to enjoy the final product!

Have a Spa Day

Some self-pampering is much needed after a long semester! Take a bath, do a facemask, get your nails done. Let go of all of the stress and have a day to yourself, your body will thank you for it.

Get Outside

Whether you go for a walk, have a picnic, or just simply get some fresh air, getting outside is always a nice treat. After long days of sitting at your desk with online class, doing something fun outside will definitely feel rewarding.

Have a Movie Night

Planning a full-on (socially distant) movie night with friends is just what you may need! Get your slippers on, order in food, and play a movie that you all love. Top it off with ice cream sundaes, popcorn, and lots of cozy blankets. What is better than that? 

Start a Good Book

Between classes and other activities throughout the semester, it’s hard to find time to really sit down and enjoy a good book. Whether it’s a magazine, cookbook, or novel, now is the perfect time to find something you want to read–and actually have the time to appreciate it. 

Buy Yourself Something Nice

Sometimes it can feel guilty buying something when you don’t really have a reason. But between the end of the semester and the holidays approaching, you have two excuses to buy that item you’ve been eyeing. Even if it’s something small like a coffee, you deserve to treat yourself to something that will make you happy.

Go to Your Favorite Hometown Spots

Since most students have gone back home, it’s always fun to go to the places you’ve missed the most. It may be the beach, a coffee shop, or a park–whatever it is, make it a part of your day and enjoy it!

Plan a Mini Trip

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s to appreciate every moment we have. While traveling might not be an option right now, start planning your next trip for when travel is safe! Look through Airbnb’s, pick your favorites, and start adding them to a document with all your top picks. Start researching your favorite cities and design a trip agenda for when you’re able to go! Use this time to start saving money so your dream vacation can become a reality! If you’re feeling creative plan a mini trip around your town. Bring those in your household on your “trip” and have fun appreciating the things around you that you may have not noticed before!  

Do Something You’ve Always Wanted to Do

Whether it’s playing a new sport, starting a journal, or baking a food you’ve never made, now is a great time to try something new. With the year wrapping up, finding time to check a new box off your bucket list is something you can always feel good about.

Hi! My name is Caroline Lewis and I am a first year student at the University of Vermont studying in the Grossman School of Business. I love to bake, write, and spend time at the beach! I am so excited to be a part of the HerCampus team!
I am a senior Public Communication student at the University of Vermont. I am passionate about public relations and brand communications within the fashion and lifestyle industry.