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You Know It’s Finals Week When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

You Know It’s Finals Week When…

…You cough (or breathe too loudly, for that matter) on the first floor of the library and at least three people look at you as if you are personally responsible for docking their grade by half a letter.

…People actually show up to your giant lecture that usually has about 70% attendance on average because your professor says he or she will be answering questions.

…Starbucks Coffee, Five Hour Energy, and Advil are the hottest commodities on the market.

…The library is more crowded than any of the frat houses on a Friday night at 1am.

…You are suddenly removing the plastic wrap on your untouched textbooks in a hopeful attempt of absorbing the entire semester in one twelve hour library session.

…You have been inside for so long that you’re not sure (nor do you care) what the weather has been like for a couple of days.

…You’ve spent more time in office hours than you have in your own bed.

…The floor of the library suddenly seems like a comfortable place for a short nap.

…Every girl on Grounds is wearing leggings or sweatpants, a sweatshirt, a ponytail, and no makeup (or the remnants of yesterday’s makeup).

…You’re not quite sure how much you’ve eaten in the last couple of days because you can’t figure out how many boxes of crackers and fruit snacks constitute a meal.

…Suddenly your Facebook newsfeed is fascinating and nothing is more compelling than what the girl who sat next to you in math class for one week in the fifth grade is doing.

…Sleep is a cute myth that your psychology textbook talks about.