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Will Hare ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Will Hare
Hometown: Roanoke, VA
Year: 2nd
Major: Foreign Affairs; Spanish
Activities Around Grounds: Varsity soccer; honor advisor
Proudest Moment: When I became a wahoo
Best Idea for a Perfect Date: Nice dinner and a live show/concert
If I could date any celebrity it would be: Mila Kunis
Most Embarrassing Moment: Haha.. when I was 7 I was in the children’s choir at my church and I completely forgot the words to a solo in front of everyone so I just ran off the stage…
If I could be reborn as anyone: Batman
Something people don’t know about me: I like to cook!
Who is your biggest inspiration: My mom
One thing I can’t live without: Coffee