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Tips for Traveling Abroad This Summer from an International Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

As someone who has lived overseas for the past three years, I consider myself to be well versed in the stress and woes that come with preparing to travel internationally. Every time I get ready to go home to my parents or come back to the States to visit family, or even go to school, it seems like there are a million and one things to do and to remember. The time and energy it takes to be that level of prepared for a trip can take away from your excitement, especially if you are a first time traveler or an inconsistent one. Here are some tips to help you stay excited and limit your stress, while still making sure you’re well prepared:

1) Take the little things into account early on.

In order to minimalize stress the week or so before your departure, make sure you start thinking about the little things about a month or so in advance. Do you need to get outlet adapters (the answer is almost always yes)? Get them the next time you’re running errands or order them off of Amazon as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to find time to get the ones you need.

2) Check the weather consistently.

Weather predictions can vary from week to week, so its important to check continuously so that you get the best idea of what the weather is going to be like. Do not pack according to the weather update you got two weeks ago. Also, seeing how much the weather can change over time before you get to your destination can help you get an idea of how prepared for changes you need to be. There is no point in trying to fit your rain boots into your suitcase if it has only rained once in the past two months.

3) Read your flight details and policies.

Read them again. Remember them. Going to the airport is literally the worst thing ever. Airports are the worst; avoid them when you can. Obviously you can’t avoid airports when you are going abroad, so try to make your time at the airport as stress free as possible. Make sure you know where the desk for your airline is, your airline’s policy on pieces of luggage and their weight, and the different security measures you might be asked to take in different countries. In a lot of places outside of America you do not have to take off your shoes to walk through security, but in others you do. If you have a layover somewhere, look up their airport security policies to be prepared.

4) Pack gradually and systematically.

After the stress of finals and moving out of your dorm or apartment for the summer, packing for a trip probably sounds a little like a death sentence. Start early and resist the temptation to throw everything in and sit on your suitcase until it closes. If you’re a novice, start packing, or at least thinking about it, a week before you leave. And, if you have international traveling experience, start 2-3 days before. Plan out how you are going to pack (Protip: do not put your toiletries in the outside pockets) before you get started and do a little at a time. Packing everything all at once gets tiresome very quickly and makes you more likely to throw all of your clothes in and hope for the best. Packing well can maximize suitcase space and ensure that your luggage isn’t over the weight limit.


Happy Travels! 

First year intended English major in the College of Arts and Science
Student-athlete at the University of Virginia, that loves journalism!