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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

When I first walk into Trader Joe’s, the first thing I always notice is the chalkboard signs. The produce being sold is always written out in the most beautiful and calming handwriting. It makes me feel like I’ve stepped into some kind of cottagecore fantasy, and I just do not want to leave.

Everything about Trader Joe’s is so quaint, that it almost feels like it has its own culture that you adopt as soon as you step inside. The first thing I always do upon entering the store is head straight for the aisle with all the seasonal cookies. I have a huge sweet tooth, but cookies are my absolute weakness. And Trader Joe’s never fails to deliver.

My favorite cookie is their pumpkin spice Joe-Joes. I don’t know why, but these things are the epitome of an addiction. I once ate 10 in one sitting. Was my stomach happy? No. But was my soul happy? Absolutely 100% yes. 

The next thing I do is book it to the fruits section. I always toss strawberries (something about Trader Joe’s strawberries makes them unmatched), grapes, bananas, apples, and blueberries in my cart. Oh, and I could never forget the dried mango. I’m not sure what they put in there, but it is absolutely heavenly to bite into.  

I also have to pick up their version of Takis. These are so spicy but so good. I’m not sure how, but they’re actually better than actual Takis. I suppose it’s just the Trader Joe’s magic that makes it so amazing.

When I go to check out, the workers there are the absolute sweetest. They always ask me about my day and seem like they genuinely care about me. And when I leave, Trader Joe’s bags in each hand, I’m always looking forward to coming back.

Hi there! My name is Nikitha Yemisetty and I'm a first-year student at UVA looking to major in psychology and statistics on the pre-med track. In my free time, I love reading books, online shopping, and going on walks outside with my friends! Thank you for taking the time to read my pieces!