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Sticking to a Habit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

The age-old expression is that it takes three weeks to turn something into a habit. So how come so many of us can’t seem to make it past the first week?


“I’ll walk to class every day”: *Walks to class only the first five days*

“I’ll eat less sweets”: *Replaces cookie butter with fruit for the first 10 days* (if that… I mean it is cookie butter…)

“I’ll get ahead on my work”: *does it 2 days and binges on Netflix instead*

Anyways, you get my point. So, how can you make sure you stick to your new habit? Here are some tips:


1) Change your mindset


Most of your motivation is going to come from your attitude- so change it! You have to work towards really wanting to make that change in your lifestyle. Your mantra shouldn’t be “ugh, I really don’t want to do this.” It should be: “I can do this!”


2) Gradually switch into it.

You don’t have to quit cold turkey! In fact, don’t do that, you’ll hate yourself if you do. The important thing is to get your mind and body used to the new habit you’re creating, so ease into it.


3) Focus on the end results.

I know it might not seem fun to wake up at 6 a.m. to go workout, but just imagine that new bikini body! Seriously, if you just visualize how this habit is going to change your life (be it studying, working out, etc.), it’ll give you that much more motivation to do it.


4) Just do it.

This one is pretty straightforward but it’s the truth. No one else can do it for you, so you have to push yourself. And true to the golden rule, three weeks later, you won’t even think about it because… you’ll already be doing it.

Smile, it makes you live longer!