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Spaghetti Squash: Make It Yourself!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Pasta. Its been demonized, shunned, and look down upon by all proponents of the “slim-down” mind set. I’ve come to feel like eating a bite of pasta will automatically make the 10 lbs the camera adds a reality…making all of those butt lifts equate to nada. Well, truth is, that is absolutely not true, especially if enjoyed in moderation. BUT for those skeptics who still run away at the sight of the carbs tossed in delicious spaghetti sauce…well, there is hope. Let me introduce to you (Drum roll please) the infamous, Spaghetti Squash. This amazing fall delicacy is fun and easy to make, and has some of the same delicious qualities as our beloved pasta. Served with anything that mixes well with pasta, the squash can be guiltlessly enjoyed, as it essentially has barely any calories and no fat. Plus, you can still enjoy the romantic Lady in the Tramp Moment with your significant other, as the squash naturally has a stringy quality similar to actual spaghetti. If I’ve done enough to convince you, it’s probably time for me to explain the simple steps to preparing this delicious dish. So listen up closely, and you will run and buy four squashes at the grocery store as soon as you hear how easy it is to prepare…or maybe that’s just me.

Step 1: Cut Spaghetti Squash in half by length (the two parts of the squash that are furthest from each other)


Step 2: Scoop out the squash seeds with spoon

Step 3: Place two squash halves face down on a cookie sheet and fill sheet half way with water.

Step 4: Heat oven to 400 degrees and let spaghetti squash simmer for 40-45 minutes.

Step 5: Take squash out of the oven, let it cool, and then fork out the inside of the squash


Step 6: And, voila! You can prepare your spaghetti squash to your liking!

Here are some of my favorite ways to prepare spaghetti squash:

Mix spaghetti squash with Plain Greek Yogurt, minced garlic and salt. Top it off with some black pepper, and you have an Afghan style delicacy you can enjoy at home.

Mix Ragu Traditional Tomato Sauce with veggies of your choice. My favorites have been mushrooms onions and jalapeños. Stir up mixture in a pot, and allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Mix spaghetti sauce with squash, and you have a pasta and tomato sauce dish to die for.

Mix Spaghetti Squash with black bean and corn salsa, diced onion, tomato, bell peppers, your choice of cheese and jalapeños. This Mexican inspired way of enjoying squash will make your mouth water from sensory overload.

So, HerCampus girls, there is no more excuses not to give your taste buds what they are craving when pasta is on its mind. This seasonal, and delicious specialty is super simple to cook, and has endless options for you to play with. So show off your creativity and get to cooking. Make sure to give Martha Stewart a run for her money!