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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.



With the holiday season just around the corner, it is easy to skip the recognition of Thanksgiving and jump right into the celebration of Christmas (or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa). I am someone who LOVES Christmas and all things merry and bright. However, despite squealing over the sight of lights and trees scattered throughout malls and shopping centers, we all need to recognize the importance of Thanksgiving too. This has been an exciting year of change for me, and I have been so caught up in adjusting to the new environment of college (and the stress of school) that I haven’t been able to show much gratitude for all that I have.


Courtesy of freestocks.org


Sometimes people get so caught up living life and dealing with the stress that comes with it that they forget to be grateful, and I am no exception. With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, here is a reflection of all that I am grateful for. Hopefully, this will inspire you to stop and count your blessings too.


First and foremost, I am so thankful for having such supportive and loving parents. They are the sweetest people ever, and I am so blessed to have been raised by hard working role models like them. I also have an amazing family, and although I do not get to see everyone as much as I’d like, I’m super excited to reunite with everyone soon.


Additionally, I am so grateful for my friends, especially those who have supported me through every up and down. Being at different colleges hours away from each other has made me realize how big of an impact my friends had on me, and I definitely miss being able to hangout with them whenever I wanted to.


Courtesy of Shirley Chu


I am also so grateful for all the memories I had made as a second semester senior (oh the joy of being careless and stress-free) and as a camp counselor over the summer. I am blessed for getting into an amazing college, especially one that I have dreamed of attending since middle school (wahoowa!!!). Also, here is a stream of minor things that I have been thankful for since being here: meal exchanges, the Castle, Clark, the beauty of grounds, and the new friends I have made.



Courtesy of Shirley Chu


Thanksgiving break is almost upon us, and I hope that this served as a reminder to show a little more gratitude for the simple things in life (I know that sounds incredibly cheesy, but that’s what Thanksgiving is about!).

Shirley is a fourth year at the University of Virginia. She loves coffee, books, and plants. She also hopes that you'll enjoy her articles!
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