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Preparing for Spooky Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Happy October—and more importantly—happy spooky season!


We are currently entering the best part of the year, so prepare yourselves. If you and your friends are looking for fall-themed or spooky ways to get in the autumn or Halloween spirit, don’t worry! I have compiled a list of 3 ways to prepare for spooky season, and fall in general!


Embark on fun, fall adventures with your friends

There are so many things to do with your pals during fall, and all of the fall-related activities are definitely Instagram worthy. If you and your friends are bored with nothing to do, consider going to a pumpkin patch or a haunted forest. These activities will definitely get you in the fall spirit, and they make for great photo ops! If you’re set on staying in, opt for a spooky movie night. Movie nights are one of my favorite things to host with my best friends, and they’re super fun and cozy!


Picture Courtesy of Pinterest


Fall Decor

Fall decor is the perfect way to embrace the season! There are thousands of DIY decor ideas on Pinterest. Another idea is, of course, lighting candles! You can never go wrong with candles, and they set the mood for whatever you desire. Bath and Body Works has an abundance of Halloween-related candles, and they all smell amazing, so I recommend looking there!


Picture Courtesy of  Pinterest


Bake fall-inspired treats

Who doesn’t love themed treats? Gather your best friends, and make some spooky treats to prepare for spooky season! It’s a quality activity with a quality result. Here is a super easy recipe idea for mummy brownies. They’re super cute, spooky, and, more importantly, delicious!


Picture Courtesy of  Pretty Providence


If you and your friends follow this list, you will be prepared for spooky season! This is one of the best times of the year, so let’s embrace it!

Hello! I'm Dahlia Hamandi, and I'm a fourth year media studies major at the University of Virginia. Some of my hobbies and passions include fashion, photography, cinematography, and watching an excessive amount of YouTube!