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Peyton Chaney ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Peyton Chaney

Year: 3rd

Major: Politics and Sociology

Hometown: St. Louis, MO

This week’s Campus Celebrity is a star in the classroom as well as on the track. Learn more about Peyton Chaney and how she handles varsity athletics, academics, and being a Wahoo!

What are you involved in around grounds?

I am currently a student athlete and the Director of Entertainment for Fashion for a Cause. I’m also a member of; the Princess Club, Athletes in Action, Black Voices, Sustained Dialogue. I act as the track representative for the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, and I’m on Captain’s Council for Track.

Why are you involved with this/these organization(s)? How do they add to your experience at UVA?

Although being a student athlete is why I am able to attend such a prestigious university, I wanted to get more involved in things that interest me. Being a model for Fashion for a Cause last year gave me a newfound confidence and opened up countless relationships with people outside of the athletic community. So, I definitely wanted to be on the executive show and help raise money for our charity through the fashion show. Also, I have a very strong faith, which is why I am in Athletes in Action, a Christian sport ministry. I’m also a part of Black Voices, a gospel choir, and The Princess Club, where we teach young girls biblical stories and share God’s love with each and every one of them. Being a part of other organizations has allowed me to experience UVA outside of practice and to meet new people. Plus, I’m involved with clubs that I’m passionate about so it’s a win win!

What is it like being a member of UVA Track and Field?

Being a D1 athlete is something I’ve always dreamed about, so having that experience at UVA has been incredible. I have a second family with my teammates, and I love that they are a group of people who I can count on and who always have my back.

How do you manage your time as a student-athlete?

It’s hard to say the least, but I have a lot of resources to keep me on track. I have to make a schedule almost every day to keep my meetings, practice times, and classes in order.

Something people don’t know about you?

I love acting! I participated in musicals and plays in middle school and took acting classes all throughout high school. I would love to be on stage again.

Best part about being a Wahoo?

Just attending UVA! I love our traditions, the people I’ve met here, and Grounds in general. Everything is beautiful.


Favorite show? SCANDAL

Celebrity crush? Michael B. Jordan

Favorite class you’ve taken at UVA? Gender and Society

Hidden talent? This is very lame but I can spell Mississippi forwards and backwards in under three seconds.

Newcomb, Runk, or O’Hill? Newcomb

Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate

Favorite food? Crab legs

Favorite movie? Maid in Manhattan

Favorite place on grounds? Mac Room in Newcomb

Clemson, Clark, or Alderman library? Clemons

Block Party or Foxfield? Block Party


Student-athlete at the University of Virginia, that loves journalism!