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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

I graduated from Wakefield High School almost two years ago, but I will forever be a Warrior. Recently, I was informed that one of our Warriors transitioned into an angel. He no longer could escape his demons and decided to take his own life. Suicide is a very scary thing- it’s a very scary, real thing that I believe we need to take the time out of our day to talk about.


September 10th was National Suicide Prevention day – the theme this year was “Reaching out and Saving lives”. While this is a great step to bring awareness to people about the perils of suicide, it shouldn’t only take place in the span of 24 hours. It should be a constant effort to “reach out and save lives.” According to the International Association for Suicide Prevention, over 800,000 people die by suicide every year.


The big question is: how can you reach out? People don’t wear labels that blatantly state: “Hi, I’m going through a hard time.” The only way is to make sure you surround yourself with trustworthy friends and take the time to talk to one another. Lending out a helping hand and letting people know you’re there is the first step to helping those around you.


It’s also important to support those who lose a loved one to suicide. Ensure them they don’t carry any blame, as those touched by suicide often fall into the vicious cycle of saying “I didn’t do enough.” In times of grief, turn to the community around you, create a support system, and spread the message of being there for one another.


Just remember that every one of you is amazing; everyone has their talents, their qualities, and their light that needs to shine. Not one single person is meant to fit in a certain mold because everyone is built differently. That’s the beauty of it, that’s the beauty of life- the world wouldn’t be an interesting place if everyone was identical…  So don’t be afraid to be yourself and to help others do the same.


If you’re feeling like you’re having a hard time- there are hundreds of resources out there; you don’t have to go through any of this alone. There’s no shame in having to turn to someone and ask for their help. A great resource is The National Suicide help line (1-800-273-TALK), which has trained counselors that can talk to you 24/7 about anything. If you’re at UVA, CAPS is a great resource to turn to, they’re available at any moment of the day. There are religious groups, meditation groups, and many more organizations that people can join in order to find solace. It’s all about finding where you’re the most comfortable. Always remember that you never, ever have to be alone.

Smile, it makes you live longer!