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Midterms Procrastination: Apple Picking Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

With the end of fall break comes dreadful midterms, and I am always interested in just about any way to distract myself from my midterm stress. Recently, I took my friend visiting from a different university to Carter Mountain Orchard for the day. We were able to pick apples, try the infamous apple slushies, and enjoy the scenic view. When I transferred to UVA this semester, Carter Mountain Orchard was at the top of my to-do list. Here are some ways that apple picking can be the solution or a distraction to your mid-term stress.


It’s Relaxing.


We decided to attempt to beat the crowds and got to the Orchard promptly when it opened. Standing on the mountain, looking out at the vast view, I felt relaxed. Being that far up the mountain, the apple trees mask the noise of other apple-pickers, so don’t be too worried if you hit the apple trees at a busy time. Picking fruit can be surprisingly therapeutic.


Picture Courtesy of Isabelle Rennert

The Variety.


After apple-picking, my friend and I decided to cool off with Carter’s infamous apple slushies, that turned out to be a delightful complement to an eighty degrees day. The Orchard offers a store with many other apple delicacies, including its notorious apple cider doughnuts, cookies, and various jams and jellies. Also offered in the store were pick-your-own-pumpkins, squash, and other fall vegetables.

Picture Courtesy of Carter Mountain Orchard

Picture Courtesy of Yelp


It’s a Healthy, Fun, Activity.


Apple picking can be done with family, friends, or by yourself. Apples are often ripe and can be picked through the beginning of December. I like to pick a certain amount of apples to eat, and some to utilize in baking recipes, like pies, applesauce, and breads. At Carter, as the Orchard is quite literally on a mountain, you can get a mini hike in while perusing and picking from the apple trees.


So, do yourself a favor and go apple picking to procrastinate from mid-terms or use it as a study break!


Isabelle is a fourth year majoring in American Studies at the University of Virginia. In her free time, she enjoys binging on Netflix and taking group fitness classes. She has a tri-color corgi puppy named Brooklyn and has an unhealthy obsession with Trader Joes. Follow her at @islorenn on instagram!