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Kolya Rabinowitch ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Kolya Rabinowitch

Year: 1st

Major: Undecided (Possibly Linguistics or International Relations)

Hometown: Fairfax, Virginia

Relationship Status: Single

Activities around Grounds: A capella (The Flying V’s), theatre (First Year Players), intramural sports (frisbee, soccer, basketball, etc)

Favorite class you’ve take at UVA: I love my acting class. Everyone in there is invested in it and wants to do the exercises, even the non-theatre people.

Celebrity crush: Brittany Snow

You’re at a party, how does a girl get your attention?: If a girl is legitimately enjoying dancing with a group (not like all the grimy grinding). I’m the guy that loves to add the classics (holding hands, hand on small of back, girls arm on shoulder- Ballroom style) and if she wants to do some spins and such with me, she’s awesome!

Favorite pick-up line: You’re like the SAT: I’d do you for 3 hours and 45 minutes, with a 10 minute break for snacks!

Describe your dream girl: A beautiful girl who is outgoing, sporty, musically inclined (like, really appreciates music and will sing along to the radio), is really easy to talk to about anything, and can enjoy the silent moments with me (because those are the best moments).

How would you describe an ideal first date?: Dinner is always a classic. A nice Italian restaurant is always a great place to talk and really get to know the girl. For the second date, you got to mix it up and try something different like maybe going to a sporting event or concert.

If you could only watch one movie forever, what would it be?: Fired Up! That movie is hilarious and so clever!

If you could go anywhere right now where would you go?: Colorado. I want to snowboard those Rocky Mountains.

Something people don’t know about you: I almost accidentally set fire to the Spokane National Forest when I was younger.

Hi, I'm Allyson! I am a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus as well as a contributor for the University of Virginia chapter. I'm currently a 4th year at UVA and majoring in English.