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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Year: Fourth

Hometown: Leesburg, Virginia

Major(s): English and Media Studies
What are you involved in here at UVA? 
I’m one of two Senior Arts & Entertainment Editors for The Cavalier Daily, which I’ve been since January 2013. I’m DJ Dad (no, seriously) alongside DJ Mom on WXTJ on Mondays from 10 p.m. to midnight on a radio show called Time Out! where we talk about how legendary Kanye West is and I play music usually reserved for fragile teenagers. In addition to that, I’ve had to clean up blood on the basketball court at the Aquatic & Fitness Center as a Facility Supervisor a few times in my time here. 
How do you feel like you’ve made a difference in your years here? 
This seems like a really hard question, because a lot of my extracurriculars don’t just occur outside class, they occur outside Charlottesville. When I’m not doing one of the above things, I help run the record label I started my third-year called Near Mint, write for Alternative Press and Modern Vinyl, manage an emo band called The Obsessives, and have rebooted my freelance publicity firm that donates 10% of everything it earns to charity called Dragonfoot PR. Despite all this, I do think I’ve helped WXTJ realize its secondary purpose as a purveyor of local music culture in Charlottesville, especially considering how awesome a house of Gordon Avenue called Camp Ugly has been just this fall in organizing events for Feminism is for Everyone (FIFE) and to highlight local artists. The Cavalier Daily also has really allowed me to springboard some ideas off my Arts & Entertainment writers and there’s a lot more initiative my co-editor Candace and I are taking to legitimate what some may think this isn’t as a vital arm of our student newspaper.
What’s something exciting that’s happened/will happen to you? 
I got to interview Kevin Spacey when he came to JPJ for the Speakers Series last year. It was undeniably the most terrified and astounded I’ve ever been. I have cerebral palsy so talking to him about how thoroughly he researched his role for The Usual Suspects, which was a character with that disability, was pretty neat. Other than that, seeing a room of sweaty, pink-shirted homies listen to The Obsessives and actually take something away from their thirty minute set was pretty heartwarming.
Other than that, I’ll be graduating in December and hopefully moving to Philadelphia or New York to never stop writing and chasing a music-industry dream. I know I’ll be talking in Austin as part of an unofficial showcase near SXSW, a music and technology festival, next March. I’ll be speaking with music journalists and aficionados that I admire about venue accessibillity, essentially trying to rally for concert venues to make sure everyone can comfortably enjoy and have access to live music. We’re gonna change the conversation and have fun. 
What’s something that should be on the 116 List of Things to Do before you Graduate that isn’t on there right now?
Go to a house show. They obviously have bands playing loud music in basements. Stretch your comfort zone before you streak the Lawn again. It’s super fun. I’ll see you there!
Hey collegiettes! I'm a fourth year Psychology major at the beautiful University of Virginia, studying business analytics and research. My 2nd year, I was one of three committee members for the first ever HerCampus at UVA PR/Events Planning team, then 3rd year I was the chair of the team, and now I'm super happy to be their first ever treasurer. I'm so proud to see how HerCampus has grown since I started, not only in writing, but planning terrific events and growing our reach in the UVA community. Every year I meet a fantastic group of talented girls who can write and shed light on important topics, and also girls who are incredibly resourceful and skilled on social media and PR. I love HerCampus with a passion and I'm so glad for the opportunity to have met so many wonderful UVA collegiettes! 
Student-athlete at the University of Virginia, that loves journalism!