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The International Love Day Around the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.



Just like the Easter Bunny, Santa and witches, Cupid paid a visit to many countries around the World on February 14th. Not only that, but, in the US, flower shop sales spiraled out of control and chocolates took several different romantic shapes and sizes. What almost never crosses people´s minds, however, is how other countries might have celebrated this special day and who they celebrated it with! Starting with singles specials and ending with mass weddings, Cupid seems to have had a busy twenty-four hours!



1. Ecuador

Although romantic love does take a primary role February 14th, there is another kind of love celebrated in Ecuador as well! Also known as the “Day of Love and Friendship”, Valentine´s Day celebrated all those people who have expressed love to you by giving you their shoulder to cry on, watching Gossip Girl on repeat while eating popcorn, or simply hanging out with you on a daily basis! This also gave a chance for all the singles out there to celebrate, without having to mourn the non-existence of an amorous relationship.


2. South Korea

Why does the celebration of love have to last only one day, and why does one partner have to take the greater initiative? South Korea has a tradition that envelopes a solution for these worries, by celebrating love not one day but three! On February 14th, women were the ones that had to surprise their men with different gifts. A month later, men will return the favor by spoiling their loving partners the same way! Last but not least, April 14th is all about singles, by encouraging every one of them to eat noodles as a sign of mourning!



Ever feel like there´s just not enough people at your wedding? Well don’t worry, because it seems like the Philippines are able to relieve your worries. During Valentine´s Day, thousands of people gathered in public places to “make it official” with the love of their lives, along with a crowd of spectators admiring their love. Married already? Well, don’t worry. At these celebrations, renewing your vows is also a plausible scenario!


4. Denmark

In Denmark, people try to connect Valentine´s Day with Easter. Men anonymously give women “joking letters,” where they write some silly jokes or poems. Afterwards, if the woman is able to guess the author of the letter, she gets the promise of an Easter egg during that holiday! Also, there is another tradition that involves an exchange of pressed white flowers. How romantic is that?


5. Brazil

While flowers and chocolates were still grand gestures between couples in this romantic day, Brazil has its actual celebration in June, not February! One of the most creative traditions involves a hat, paper and pens. A person (man or woman) is encouraged to write the names of all of their current or past crushes on separate pieces of paper. They proceed to throw all of these in the hat, and just like in Bingo, they have to close their eyes and pull out one of the papers shuffled in the hat. Watch out ladies, chances are, you are looking at the name of your future husband!


Just like love is a universal feeling, the celebration of it is carried all around the globe. Whether it is friends or significant others, everyone enjoys thanking others for the love they’ve shared throughout the year. Happy Belated Valentines Day, sweethearts!


"Dont set yourself on fire, to keep others from getting warm." -UnknownSecond Year Psyhcology Student at the University of Virginia. Wahoowa!