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How to Drink More Water During Finals Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Dehydration during finals season is real. Especially during the spring when temperatures are hotter and times are more hectic than ever. But, with the busier and busier we get the harder and harder it is to make time for self care of all kinds, including making sure we are drinking enough water.

Recently what has been helping me stay on track is drinking out of a straw. To make my hydration mission feel special (and increase the likelihood of my success) I got a venti sized Starbucks tumbler with a reusable plastic straw. It has definitely increased my water intake exponentially, but why exactly?

According to a Huff Post article drinking from a straw increases the amount of water you are likely to intake versus when drinking directly from a bottle. They also say that straws increase accessibility to water and make more sipping more likely.

So I say fill up your favorite tumbler (or get a new one to treat yourself in these trying academic times) and stay hydrated!

Pre-Commerce Second Year at UVA from Long Island, NY.