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How To Be The Luckiest Girl In The World: Looking At Lucky Girl Syndrome

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

We have all heard about the new phenomenon called lucky girl syndrome. It is a strange concept to grasp. Why are some girls luckier than others? What makes someone get “lucky girl syndrome?” We all know the girl that gets everything she desires. Everything just seems to fall into place for her. What if I tell you sometimes, it’s not entirely luck? What if I told you (like most things) there’s a science behind lucky girl syndrome?

According to Cleveland Clinic, Lucky Girl Syndrome in simple terms is just the law of attraction. In even more simple terms, it’s the practice of positive thinking. I’m hoping we all know being a negative Nancy does not really help us much, and thinking positively tends to bring out better outcomes in our lives. This is where affirmations come in. The more you tell yourself something, the more you subconsciously believe it, and the more inclined you are to live out your affirmations.

Some general affirmations might be “I am the luckiest girl in the world. Everything works out for me just as they should” “The Universe is always working in my favor” “Everything that is meant for me will find me”. Of course, these are very generic affirmations, but you can very come up with some affirmations that are more suitable to you and your goals. Journal them, say them, believe them.

I also listened to a podcast called “The Psychology of Your 20s” where Jemma Sbeg talked about lucky girl syndrome. One topic she talked about is really important to note when talking about lucky girl syndrome which is privilege. She mentions that we don’t tend to hear third world countries talking about how they’re the luckiest girl in the world or about lucky girl syndrome at all. So, it’s important to recognize and identify the many advantages that those of us who live in western cultures have; whether that’s opportunity and access to education, money, resources, etc.

So, the answer to the question how to be the luckiest girl ever is positive thinking, and actually believing you deserve what you desire. The universe has a funny way of making sure things fall into place that we are destined to experience and have. Stay lucky!



Nya Mason is on the writing and social media team at the Virginia Chapter. This is her first semester with HerCampus. She's also from Northern Virginia. Beyond Her Campus, Nya is involved with a national mentoring program called College Mentors for Kids and the Active Minds club. She is currently a first year at the University of Virginia with an intended pre-law major. In her free time, Nya loves to go to the gym, go on walks, get coffee, grab food, and watch movies with her friends. She also loves to read all different types of books. Nya also loves to binge watch her favorite shows like Grey's Anatomy, Friends, New Girl, and Suits.