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Harrison Richmond ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Harrison Richmond

Hometown: Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Year: Freshman

Major: Business

Activities Around Grounds: Tennis, school, social, gym.

Proudest Moment: I’m always proud regardless.

Best Idea for a Perfect Date: My charm should be enough but a nice dinner, private hot tub beside the beach with fireworks, and a hotel room overlooking the water wouldn’t hurt.

If I could date any celebrity it would be: Any or all sports illustrated swimsuit models with emphasis on Kate Upton. Megan Fox, Mila Kunis, or Jessica Alba work just fine as well.

Most Embarrassing Moment: Lets not go there.

If I could be reborn as anyone: I wouldn’t change a thing.

Something people don’t know about me: I play the violin.

Who is your biggest inspiration: My father.

One thing I can’t live without: My imagination, dreams, and goals.

I feel most attractive in my: Answer is subject to change depending on the mood.