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Life > Experiences


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Finally, it’s spring break! After wave upon wave of projects, assignments, and exams, a week of (somewhat) relaxation is finally here. There are so many activities to do over spring break, that it can get difficult knowing where to start. Keep reading for some ideas!

Visit your old elementary, middle, and/or high school

Although you may think it’s awkward to just show up as a college student, it can actually be a great way to take time and reflect on how far you’ve come. Try to swing by your old classrooms and say hi to your favorite teacher. Chances are they would be glad to see and would be happy to catch up with you and your college experiences.


There’s something about starting a new TV series that is just so exciting. Whether it’s a new reality show or a multi-season fantasy saga, starting a new show is like embarking on a new adventure. Try scrolling through your “Watch List” to see if there’s a show that catches your eye. If there’s nothing interesting, see if anything in the Top 10 list sounds interesting. There are so many possible shows to choose from – find what sounds exciting to you!

Go for a walk

This may not always be easy, depending on where you live. But for the most part, spring break brings with it warmer weather that make it much more pleasant to spend time outside. Step outside of the house and get as much fresh air as possible; it really does wonders to make you feel like a brand new person.

Meet up with friends

Make sure to do this in a way that complies with Covid policies in your region, of course! If you are able to do so, meet up with a friend or a group of friends to grab lunch or coffee. If this isn’t possible where you live, try to do something more socially distant, or gather at a friend’s place and maintain space between each other. If all else fails, have a call over FaceTime or Zoom! Social interaction is always important and can be a great stress reliever.

However you plan to spend your spring break, make sure to have fun and relax!

Hi there! My name is Nikitha Yemisetty and I'm a first-year student at UVA looking to major in psychology and statistics on the pre-med track. In my free time, I love reading books, online shopping, and going on walks outside with my friends! Thank you for taking the time to read my pieces!