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Emma Watson Inspires with UN Speech on Feminism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Some of the biggest names in pop culture—Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and Lana Del Rey to name a few—have disdained feminism. These women that are seen as icons for strong, independent women are the same women that do not associate themselves with something that signals female empowerment. Shailene Woodley, the actress from the Divergent franchise about a heroic female protagonist said to Salon she is not a feminist because, “I love men and I think the idea of ‘raise women to power, take the men away from the power’ is never going to work out because you need balance.” Megan Trainor, the singer of “All About that Bass”, a song that promotes healthy body image for women has come out as well saying that she is not a feminist. Beyoncé Knowles, Queen Bey herself, told British Vogue in 2012 that she was unsure of being called a feminist because “That word can be very extreme.”

These female celebrities, and so many other people, are misconstruing what feminism truly means. However, there is one celebrity who has taken it upon herself to break the stigma of being called a “feminist”. Actress Emma Watson, as the UN Women goodwill ambassador, has launched the #HeforShe campaign that will promote gender equality around the world. Her opening speech for the campaign has been making waves virally because of its honesty and necessity.

While her speech may not have been the most profound or groundbreaking, it is a speech that discusses an issue that is too infrequently spoken on. In her speech, Emma Watson acknowledges how feminism has become a “dirty” word, something that many women shy from for it being “unattractive” and “too aggressive.” She says that is has become associated with hating men, as many of the aforementioned celebs seem to think. But, as Watson says in her speech, feminism is about promoting an equal representation in politics, a desexualizing of women, and equalizing pay for equal work.

Watson’s speech and the #HeforShe campaign are so important because it is debunking that feminism is “man-hating”, like so many people unfortunately believe. The #HeforShe campaign encourages men to treat women equally, with respect and dignity because “gender equality is their issue too.” But, it also promotes breaking gender stereotypes for both men and women. She says that feminism offers freedom for men and women because it frees them from the constraints of gender stereotypes.

In an inspiring response, many male celebrities have vocally supported Watson’s #HeforShe campaign. Harry Styles, Tom Hiddleston, Logan Lerman, Chris Colfer and others have taken to twitter to share the #HeforShe message. Watson says that gender discrimination affects men too as their roles as a parent are often lessened and men in the UK are dying due to mental illness at an alarming rate because it is “unmanly” to ask for help. But, if men stop the subjugation of women then they will not have such a pressure to fulfill the male gender role.

The biggest takeaway from Watson’s speech is that feminism is more than just about wanting women to succeed; it is about wanting equality to succeed. It is shameful that it in 2014 it takes an actress from the Harry Potter series to educate the world on feminism, but as she says “If not me, who? And if not now, when?”

Hi, I'm Allyson! I am a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus as well as a contributor for the University of Virginia chapter. I'm currently a 4th year at UVA and majoring in English.