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Don’t Just Eat, Let Your Skin Have It!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Have you heard of washing your face with rice water? Maybe you saw someone spraying rice water on their face on Tiktok. Then, you may be wondering, what is it so SPECIAL about the rice water?

What Can RIce Water Do?

According to Dr. Cynthia Cobb, a nurse practitioner specializing in women’s cosmetics and skin care, and Dr. Luke Maxfield, a FAAD Board-Certified Dermatologist, rice water can have the following benefits for the skin:

  • Reduce dark spots
  • Lighten the skin
  • Improve sunburn damages
  • Decreases inflammation and irritation

Rice water is found to contain substances such as anthocyanin, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, betaine, kojic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

How do you make it at home?

1. Pour 2 cup of rice in the bowl.

2. Rinse it gently and drain. Then, pour new water and rinse again. Repeat the process 3-4 times.

3. After the 4th rinse, you will notice the water will be clearer than before.

4. Remove the rice from the water.

5. Pour the amount of water that you will use, and have the rest of the water kept in the refridgerator.

It can go bad easily if you keep it at room temperature. You use the refrigerated rice water for a week. If you want to relieve swelling in the morning, you can also freeze the rice water and massage your face in the morning.

Mina Lee is a writer at the Her Campus at Virginia chapter. She writes articles regarding topics of trending entertainment, beauty, and pop culture. Mina has worked as an editor for Policyviz and edited the book DataViz. She has volunteered as a social media manager and a translator at the Penta Olympic Fencing Club, where she translated Chinese, English, and Korean. She is currently a Sophomore at the University of Virginia, planning to major in Commerce and minor in Drama and Computer Science. Mina enjoys fencing and cooking/baking in her free time. She also enjoys watching diverse TV shows from different countries, including China, Thailand, Korea, Japan, and France.