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Dare to be Red: Guide to Choosing the Right Red Lipstick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

There’s no accessory sexier or more classic than red lipstick.  How can you resist post makeover Anne Hathaway in The Devil Wears Prada? I can’t get enough of it.  And with the holiday season right around the corner, what better way to spice up an outfit then to add a festive punch of red lips! But if you’re anything like me, the fear of looking like a circus clown has derailed all your attempts to sport this bold and glamorous look. Surprisingly, red lipstick is rather universal, but picking the wrong shade can be a major no no. From crimsons to tomatoes and everything in between, it’s important to pick a hue to compliment both your hair and skin tone. Check out these tips to find out how even you, yes you, can look dashing in red lipstick!

Blonde hair/fair skin – Pick a true red. There’s a lingering coolness that will deter from highlighting any rosiness of the skin while also complementing your light complexion. 


Blonde hair/medium skin– The light hair and darker skin combo is the most versatile in pairing with red lips. Lucky for you, personal preference is all you need in choosing your perfect hue. Try a variety of shades from oranges and fiery reds to purples.  


Dark hair/dark skin– If you have dark hair and dark skin, you hold a special place for the classic tomato red. The more orangey color with yellow undertones pops with your darker features, creating a fun and dazzling look. 


Dark hair/fair skin – Dark hair paired with fair skin is a combination just calling for drama, making it the perfect palate for red lips. Stay away from orangey colors which may clash with the colors of your skin. Instead choose deep cherries with cool undertones. 


Dark hair/medium skin– The dark hair/medium skin combo is a little bit harder to pull off, simply because there’s less room to work in bold colors. Try out berry tones, they can be rather glamorous. If you choose to stick to a redder palate, try a darker, truer red with blue undertones. 


Red heads – Now don’t scream. People often tell red heads that wearing red is a cardinal sin, but red lipstick can actually further enhance your already intense look. Search for corals, they’ll tie together nicely your fierce red hair and lighter and rosier skin tone. 

From Marilyn Monroe to Scarlett Johansson, red lips have been a dazzling staple throughout the years.  This classic trend adds a glamorous feminine punch to any look that most women love, but assume they cannot pull it off.  Be bold and bust the myth! Just be sure to keep the rest of your makeup clean and light and pick a color that’s best for your features.

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