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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.
Name: Dale Houchins
Year: 2nd year
Major: Economics
Hometown: Manassas, Virginia

What are you involved in here at UVA?

I’ve done a lot of different things here at UVA, including the rifle and pistol club, the global student council, and the filmmakers society. I’ve also played IM basketball, refereed IM sports, modeled for fashion for a cause, and volunteered at the SPCA. More recently, I’ve started some projects of my own like the Instagram fashion pages “dalerayfashion” and “university_fashions.”


What has been your most rewarding experience here so far?

If I had to choose one experience, it would be when I was involved in fashion for a cause. While it was a lot of work, I had a blast and met a lot of my friends from it.


If someone needed to find you, where would they first look?

I’m all over the place usually, but a dining hall or the pav/n2go wouldn’t be a bad place to look… I’m always eating haha.


Who have you always wanted to meet at UVA?

I’ve always wanted to meet president Sullivan and I always love to meet people, especially alumni and faculty, who have the same love for fashion as I do.


Hey collegiettes! I'm a fourth year Psychology major at the beautiful University of Virginia, studying business analytics and research. My 2nd year, I was one of three committee members for the first ever HerCampus at UVA PR/Events Planning team, then 3rd year I was the chair of the team, and now I'm super happy to be their first ever treasurer. I'm so proud to see how HerCampus has grown since I started, not only in writing, but planning terrific events and growing our reach in the UVA community. Every year I meet a fantastic group of talented girls who can write and shed light on important topics, and also girls who are incredibly resourceful and skilled on social media and PR. I love HerCampus with a passion and I'm so glad for the opportunity to have met so many wonderful UVA collegiettes!