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Conor McLaughlin ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Conor McLaughlin

Year: Second Year

Major: Pre-Commerce
Hometown: Montclair, VA
Relationship Status: Single
Activities on Grounds: Men’s Water Polo, Beach Volleyball Club, Madison House
Who is your biggest inspiration?: My mom, for everything.
What was your proudest moment at UVA?: Having my extended family come down to tour Grounds, and getting to show them what an awesome place I go to school!
Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman
Best thing about UVA girls is: Sundresses… and brains
An ideal date would be: At the beach and then out for steak and seafood
If you could switch places with anyone who would it be?: Tom Brady
Best Halloween costume you’ve had: Definitely a cowboy – pretty sure I wore it every year through Kindergarten and 1st and 2nd grades!
Something people don’t know about you: I’m an accomplished pianist
Describe yourself in 3 words: Hunk of man
Hi, I'm Allyson! I am a Chapter Advisor for Her Campus as well as a contributor for the University of Virginia chapter. I'm currently a 4th year at UVA and majoring in English.
Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!