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BJ Richardson ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: BJ Richardson

Hometown: Hampton, Virginia

Year: 2nd Year

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Media Studies and Foreign Affairs

Hobbies: Working at Jack Wills, Working out, Running, Tanning, Hanging out, Honor Committee, On Grounds: UJC, Cav Daily
Best Spot for a first date would be: Beach side restaurant in the afternoon
If I could be reborn it would be: as Adam Levine, being on stage would be awesome and I’d love to have tattoos
If i could date a Disney princess: it would be Jasmine, guess id be going for the ethnic look
Work out routine: is run for 30 minutes everyday and go to the gym for at least an 1 1/2 everyday.
Most attractive thing: is confidence and cleverness in another person, someone who can keep me on my toes.
Most embarrassing moment: having to run out of my apartment in my towel when the fire alarm went off and I was in the shower.
Something most people don’t know about me: I’m a complete nerd for books
Current Ipod repeat song: Unfortunately im addicted to Call Me Maybe
I can’t live without my: daily huge cup of coffee
My life hero is: my mom, raising twin boys by herself and sending us both to college.
I feel most attractive in my: Jack Wills Boardshorts, because I’m in love with the beach.