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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Bikra-what? For me it all started 2 years ago. I was a newly admitted sorority girl, and was receiving baskets from my wonderful big. Word on the street was some girls were getting sent to this thing called Bikram? I didn’t know much about it, other than the funny name, but I did know to be slightly afraid of it. “You sweat SO much,” is all I kept hearing, and a 105 degree room just sounded like the death of me. And then the basket came, “today at noon you will be joining other girls in a class of…Bikram.” I should’ve thought to run and hide right then. I couldn’t refuse though. My pass had been paid for, my ride was waiting, and most importantly I couldn’t dissapoint my big. So I went. And…most importantly I disappointed my big. As a first time go-er, I was unprepared. They are NOT kidding when they say drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. After suffering half an hour of painful foot cramps, and a constant feeling of nausea, I knew I had to leave the room, even though the instructors adamantly insisted that leaving was not an option. So as a first time yoga go-er I gave up. I did what no one is supposed to do and I walked out on the challenge.
So what is the point of my blog? Absolutely not to convince you not to go to hot yoga. It took me a whole 2 years to muster up the courage to go again. My friend kept raving about how amazing it made her feel, and as someone who loves a good workout my curiosity was at its height. So, finally I went, and I cannot tell you how happy I am to have mustered up the courage. In a 105 degree room, wearing close to nothing and staring at yourself in the mirror as you prepare to face the heat is the most liberating feeling ever. The moves are somewhat difficult, but the after effects of the experience outweigh any discomfort felt during the class. Sweating out all the toxins in your body leaves you feeling phenomenal, and the soreness felt in random parts of your body confirm the powerful effects of yoga. As someone with a constantly scattered mind, the thoughtlessness gained from the experience always leaves me feeling content and calm, in such a way that not even a good run can make me feel. Bikram yoga is not only a different approach to working out, but it’s a way to work out that makes your body feel fit and great.
So should you try it? Absolutely yes. Just know what you are getting into and make sure to prepare your body for all the sweating it is bound to face. Stayed hydrated and keep focused and I can promise you, after an hour and thirty minutes, your body will be thanking you for the awesome experience. Make sure to bring a towel and a yoga mat (or rent it at the studio), and only pay $12 as a student or $20 for your first unlimited week. The studio is located conveniently on the downtown mall, so you really have no excuse not to try out what everyone has been talking about!