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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.


There are some age milestones that mean a lot in our society. At 16 you can drive, or at least begin the process. At 18 you can you vote, smoke, join the army… at 21 you can drink. But some ages seem to get lost without an official rite of passage. This weekend I turn 20, and while there is no official gain of responsibility or new experiences I’m legally allowed to have, I think that two decades is a pretty special age. Below are some things that I have accomplished in my twenty years.


Voting in a Presidential Election: While for everyone 18 and over this is a possibility, the first presidential election that I voted in was this past race between Obama and Romney. It’s a monumental event, and even though everyone has the right to vote, not everyone does. I like to think that my vote made a difference, and I am proud to have been a part of the election process of my country.

Travelling on my own: This past summer I went to Spain for two months to teach English and was there on my own. While I had travelled before with my parents, this was the first out of country experience where I literally showed up in a country I had never been to and was by myself. I think it’s a real growing experience and I recommend it for everyone. While travelling alone isn’t for everyone, it really gave me a chance to make new friends in a different country and to gain a lot of independence that simply can’t be gained being in your own country.

Transferring: I am fully aware that this does not apply to everyone at all, but I made a really big decision by transferring into UVA as a second-year. To be honest, it took a lot of guts. My comfort zone was very high at my previous school and coming to a new school where everyone already has friends and a group was difficult, but it made me step way outside of my comfort zone and it ended up being the best decision I ever made.

Being in a relationship: While I had a few middle-school romances, I had (and still have) my first real boyfriend before I turn 20. While it’s great, it’s also work and relationships really teach you how to work with and respect another person. I think it’s another growing experience, for both people involved.


What experiences have you had before your 20th birthday? What experiences are you still looking forward to?

Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!