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Original photo by Gabriella Stanley
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Best Places to Go on Dates in Charlottesville, VA as a Broke College Student 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Life as a busy college student can make it extra hard to spend as much time as preferred with your significant other. So, it’s extra important that when you have time for special moments, you can do so without breaking the bank! Here are ten date ideas for broke college students in Charlottesville. 

  1. Grab a coffee from Grit and sit in the cozy upstairs space
  2. See a show together at the Paramount Theater
  3. Have brunch together at the Virginian 
  4. Grab a smoothie from Juice Laundry together and have a study date
  5. Use your student discount at Monticello and take a romantic walk through Jefferson’s gardens
  6. Go with your partner to a beautiful sunset at Carter’s Mountain and split a delicious apple cider donut
  7. Attend a concert at New Cable Hall 
  8. Take a walk through downtown Charlottesville and explore all the little shops and cafes
  9. Take a day trip to Washington D.C., stroll through Georgetown, and traverse through the monuments 
  10. Tour the McCormick observatory! They have a public night every month 

These are all romantic activities in Charlottesville that are relaxing and will take your mind off your strenuous workload. All while getting to spend an amazing time with your favorite person. 

Alexandra Flug is member of the writing and social media team at the Her Campus University of Virginia chapter. Beyond Her Campus, Alexandra is a first year at the University of Virginia where she is an intended pre-law major with a focus on international relations. In her free time, Alexandra enjoys going on hikes and listening to podcasts, trying new coffee shops, spending time with her dog chance, and being with friends and family.