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Beat Boredom This Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

As we enter spring semester, everyone begins to tighten the scarves around their necks, pile on stacks of sweatshirts and look longingly towards the arrival of warm weather. The inevitable discussion of “What are we going to do for spring break this year?” always emerges with everyone frantically scrambling together to rent a beach house or plan the perfect skiing getaway. If your spring break plans are looking a little like you’ll be on the couch watching Gossip Girl re-runs instead of lounging on the beach in Cancun, don’t feel left out! Just because you’re not going to be making a cameo on MTV Spring Break doesn’t mean you have to have a boring week at home from school. Here are a few ideas for those that are homebound for Spring Break and are looking to stave off cabin fever:

1. Rack up some volunteer hours. Sure, it may not sound as enticing as sunbathing by a pool, but not only does it make you feel good to do something good, but it also never hurts to have those extra community service hours laying around (FYI—you need to have 16 hours of community service to get a texting while driving ticket dropped…don’t ask). Visit www.salvationarmyusa.org to find your local Salvation Army and help them serve meals or organize donations. Also, if you’re looking to de-clutter your life, you can also donate old clothes, appliances, and books to here or to Goodwill!

2. Start training for a race.
Mark Lorenzoni, the owner of Rugged Mountain Running Shop on Elliewood Avenue, started hosting the Race for Autism 5K 12 years ago and last year raised over $50,000 for the cause! If you’re a little too far behind on your gym time to prep for the Charlottesville Ten Miler, this 3.1 mile race is a perfect alternative. The month between spring break and the April 21 race date is more than enough time to have you race-ready (plus, you’ll finally lose those inevitable extra winter break pounds!).

3. Visit your friends at other schools. One of my favorite things to do when I’m home on a break is to go visit my high school friends at their respective colleges. Not only is it fun to see what life is like at other schools, but it gives you a reason to break out of the house and go on a road trip! Pick the friend that goes to school the farthest away from you and make the trek out to see him or her. Stop along the way to visit other friends or family—not only is this method of couch-surfing a lot cheaper than booking a room at some all-inclusive resort but it also gives you the chance to meet up with old acquaintances and get a feel for other universities (hello, grad school applications!).

4. Start a new project!
Personally, being the English major nerd that I am, before every break I pick three books that I’ve been meaning to read and try to finish them by the time I go back to school. If reading isn’t exactly your thing, choose another endeavor. Start your own blog, buy a Rosetta Stone program and learn a new language, sign up for a yoga class or simply have your mom teach you how to cook a new dish every night. These all may seem like simple things, but being a busy college student doesn’t leave you with a lot of time to pursue interests that don’t involve sitting in the library.  Take this time to learn a new hobby or simply pick up an old one!

5. Hunt for a summer job. Sure, no one wants to think about the inevitable hours you’ll have to start slugging away this summer to earn some extra cash, but you’ll be way ahead of the rush to find summer jobs if you start over the break (plus you’ll probably score a job at the best place!). Print out a couple of resumes and hit your local mall or shopping center or even ask your mom or dad if they need any extra help over the summer with filing or answering phones at their jobs. If you’re feeling extra ambitious, you could send an announcement to your old elementary or middle school’s news flier advertising your availability as a nanny or house-sitter! Not only will you head back to school with a guaranteed cash flow for the summer, but you’ll be able to avoid the ever-present parental nagging of, “You better not be lying around all summer!”

Whether you’re at home or staying in Charlottesville over the break, these tips are a sure way to keep you busy and beat boredom this Spring Break!

Francesca Lee is a fourth year majoring in sociology with a minor in media studies at the University of Virginia. This summer, she developed a passion for TV production after interning at WETA, the public television station for DC and the greater metro area.  Throughout the summer, Francesca researched, wrote and produced several WETA Around Town segments about the local arts programs and graffiti murals in DC.  As the new campus correspondent for Her Campus UVa, she is working to create video content for the UVa branch to supplement the written content.  This spring, she hopes to study abroad in Denmark and expand her knowledge of international broadcasting and advertising. Francesca also gives historical and admissions tours to visitors and prospective students at UVa and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority.