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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Name: Alex Mohr

Hometown: Leesburg, VA

Year: 3rd

Relationship Status: Single

Major: Commerce

Hobbies:  Guitar and boxing

Best Spot for a first date would be: There used to be this great Italian deli back in my hometown that was a perfect first date spot.

If I could be reborn it would be: As myself again

If I could date a Disney princess: Jasmine

Work out routine: I usually pick things up and put them back down

Most attractive thing in a girl: Eyes

 Most embarrassing moment: Probably filling this out

Something most people don’t know about me: I’m planning on abandoning my business career and becoming a rock star

Current Ipod repeat song:  Falling Up by Dillon Francis

I can’t live without my: I’d have to say phone

My life hero is:  Dean Z

I feel most attractive in my: $6,000 suits