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5 Ways You Can Reboot Your Life This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

We all know that feeling that rolls around at the end of the year. Finals and serious springtime partying have led you to feeling less fab than you normally do by the time summer rolls around. After all that hard work, you are in need of a serious reboot, but sometimes it seems like the easier choice is to just sit in front of the TV, eat cheetos and decompress. We’re not saying that’s a bad thing for a few days, but we are trying to save you from waking up in August with the Kardashians on repeat and a melted pint of Ben & Jerry’s on your arm instead of that hot lifeguard from the pool. Don’t worry, friends, we’ve got your back. Here are a few tips on how to make the most of these upcoming months of freedom.

1. Make a list of things you want to get done this summer:

It could be anything, but compiling a list of things both personal and professional that you hope to get accomplished before heading back to school is a perfect way to make your summer feel both productive and positive. (Plus it always feels rad to cross things off lists no matter what time of the year). If you’re more the visual type, trying making an inspiration board. We give you permission to use Tumblr and Pintrest to make some rockin’ inspo boards like these, because even though it feels like something that your second grade teacher might have suggested you do, we’ve realized that there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing all your summer #goals in front of you.  

2. Get moving

Whether you’re working or just hanging around this summer, not having to worry about homework means being able to spend a little more time making up for all those Saturday mornings you didn’t go to the gym. Spend some time thinking about what sort of workout environments work best for you.

Do you work best in a class setting? Check out the offerings at your local gym or check out deals for classes on sites like Classpass or Groupon.

Like working out on your own? Make a schedule for yourself to make sure that you hit the gym when you say you will instead of just thinking about doing it.

Getting fit with friends is also a good idea. Recruit a bestie to come to the gym with you, because nothing’s more motivational than a friend forcing you out the door. They know exactly what to hold over your head until you make it there and vice versa.

3. Eat right

Summer is the perfect time to kick all of the bad eating habits you picked up throughout the year and leaned on hard core during finals. Try dropping refined sugars and replace them with healthier options like fruit, or natural sweeteners like stevia and agave. Instead of eating popsicles to beat the heat, try homemade smoothies which are healthy alternatives that will leave you feeling, and looking, better. Summer is also the perfect time to buy local produce to make filling and delicious salads like these ones. We know, we know. Salad is not the thing you crave after a long day at the beach, but we think some of  these might change your mind.

4. Get some culture


Wherever you are this summer, you should get out and experience some of the culture you traded in for darties this year. Check out local listings for concerts, outdoor movie screenings, food trucks, etc. Guaranteed that wherever you are in the country, you won’t be far from interesting museum exhibits, shows or festivals–and the sweetest part? A lot of them are totally free, like the Fralin Museum here on grounds or Friday’s After Five on the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville.  If you’re still at a loss for what to do wherever you are, cool apps like Sosh can give you updates on *sweet* things going on near you.


5. Be bold

During the school year it can be easy to fall into patterns, and no one wants to be the predictable one. Summer is the perfect time to test out things you might not normally try, and have you come back to school looking fresh and new. It could be a new haircut, teaching yourself a new language to snag a date with a cute foreign exchange student in the fall or finally asking your boss for a raise (maybe try and balance boldness with a little bit of thoughtfulness for this one to avoid ending up like this). No matter what the area of your life, taking a little time to try something new will always be rewarding, even if it feels a little risky.

Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!