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4 Easy Ways to get Bikini Body Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.


With spring break quickly approaching, it is becoming harder and harder to find a free cardio machine at the gym. It has been a long winter and many people, myself included, have slacked on eating well and exercising as often as we should. The idea of being in a bathing suit in a matter of weeks may seem frightening, but there’s still time to get into better shape by the time break comes along. If you follow these five tips, you’ll look, and definitely feel healthier in no time.


  1. Avoid late night eating; this is arguably going to be one of the hardest things to do. At 3 a.m. on your way home from a night out, nothing sounds better than one, or four, slices of pizza at Christian’s. It’s going to be even harder to say no when all of your friends are going and will be devouring it right in front of you. However, unless you are truly hungry, take a moment to consider whether it’s worth all the calories that will take an extra 45 minutes to burn off at the gym. If you do decide to grab a late-night bite, stick to something on the healthier side so that you don’t wake up with food-guilt.

     2. WATER, WATER, WATER.  

I’ll be the first to admit that I do not drink nearly as much water as every health journal in the world says I should. However, study upon study has proven that drinking just one 8-ounce glass of water before every meal can help you slim down. Often times our body confuses thirst and hunger, and we end up overeating to compensate. Carry around a Camelbak with you and drink up!

      3. Hit the gym.

Okay, so maybe this one is obvious, but it’s truly important to get your heart rate up with at least thirty minutes of cardio a few times a week. There are going to be many, many days that you are just “too busy” or “too tired” to want to put on your sneakers and get on the treadmill. It’s times like these that you need to remind yourself of the great feeling you’ll have after leaving the gym and knowing you’re one step closer to getting in shape. Often times skipping one day leads to skipping two or three, and eventually you’ll feel as if you’ve lost all progress you had made in the first place.

4. Have realistic expectations.

While it’s absolutely possible to make progress between now and spring break, don’t expect to see results after two days at the gym. Recognize that it will take time to look in the mirror and see changes. Stick with it, eat clean, exercise, and you will notice a difference!