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Career > Her20s


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Being a twenty, young, trans, person of color, LGBTQA or anyone that is not a man is tough out here. Facing problems and tackling issues that are still reoccurring due to racism, traditionalistic views, or other nonconforming ways of older society have continued to be this negative energy that lingers around. Now that is just the stuff that has always been there, but now being 20… yes TWENTY, life has seemed to shift so much. Maybe it’s more of me thinking I am so old, even though being 20 is pretty young, it has made me stress SO much. Having no clue where to start financially, socially, or even personally are some of the many things growing up is all about.


Okay, is it just me or does anyone not know a great deal about credit, credit cards, insurance, taxes, or savings? If you agree with me, then lucky for us, we are not alone. That being said there are many that are learning and still trying to figure out everything financially to better themselves now and better equip them for their future.


School… it may be some people’s muse and for others, it may not be. I’m currently still trying to figure that out, but for now, I think I love it. Whether it be a 2 year, 4 year, certificate program, training school, or getting licensed by the state or a department- getting your education to help you be successful is ALL THAT MATTERS. There is one quote that I refer to every so often that states, “comparison is the thief of all joy” by Theodore Roosevelt. This quote is a gentle reminder that no matter where you are, how you got there, or where you are going next is all a part of YOUR plan that has been set out for you by yourself or God, or what you believe in. School may not be for everyone and that is perfectly OK.


Honestly, this is free writing. I wish I was getting paid to write because being a material college girl is tough when you are tackling 5 classes, two jobs, and trying to still live your material gorl life. Struggling with money is a lot more common than you think too. Luckily, if you do go to school or you don’t there are many ways to obtain financial help to prepare you for budgeting, saving, and other things. There are ways to learn, just go out there and apply yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


To sum up, all that can be said is that we, YOU, and I are not alone. Do not let the pressure of society or anything around you feel like you are behind, because you are not. Everyone’s time is different and it is good to embrace that. Remember to stay kind, optimistic and show love to yourself even when you don’t feel up for it. sending lots of love, blessings, and good vibes your way!