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Gender Inclusive Restrooms at UTSA

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Have you ever wondered if UTSA has gender inclusive restrooms? The answer is YES! This is a step in the right direction to make UTSA a more inviting place for everyone.

Thank you to the UTSA Student Center for Community Engagement and Inclusion for working hard to assist with inclusion at UTSA, and Spectrum UTSA for sharing the link to the map on Twitter.



Feel free to share this map with anywhere, here is the official link: https://www.utsa.edu/inclusion/documents/pdfs/inclusion/Gender-Inclusive…

Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.